Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ajith quotes

There is no GOD no second life no second chance....

There are 2 things in this world which are constant
one is change & the other is

live life every day every second

hmm live this pal as if u r not going to stay next pal
-ajith(just converted film dialog)

vinaythandi varuvaya..will u cross the skies for me
-vinaythandi varuvaya movie

Failure is a big part of life, but it's how we react to failing that will determine our destiny. If we learn from it and move on, it can help to make us all we can be. If you fear it to the extent that you never take risks, you'll never grow

It is quite normal if u waste some time. It's ok

Film is acting . Really it may not be

Love happens. You cannot and should not make it happen.

Enjoying what you do is the key